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Smoldering Stress: Balancing Your Marriage and Raising Kids

"I ran too fast, too far, too long on too many borrowed miles. And then it hit me like something...

“Truth in Relationships” Quiz

Why is it that some marriages die while others thrive? I’m convinced that the reason is really...

How to Handle a Perfectionistic Spouse

The desire to be perfect or to have a perfect mate and marriage is something I see a lot in the...

Anger Can Be An Opportunity, Not An Obstacle

by Anna Collins, Community Manager at Marriage 365 Anger doesn’t have to be negative, but...

Switch One Word And Change Your Family Dynamics

Often, I don’t want things for my wife and kids as much as I want things from my wife and kids. And there is a huge difference. If we do chores around the house because we want something for our spouse, that’s different. We’re not doing it because we want to feel validated; we’re doing it because we want something FOR them.

Getting Away to Remember

A couple of months ago, my husband and I were able to take a four-night getaway as a delayed anniversary celebration. In an unexpected stroke of luck, my sister and her husband were able to join us at the last minute. It was the first time they had the chance to get away for more than one night in years.

One Of The Best Gifts My Wife Has Ever Given Me

Nothing draws your spouse to you more than acceptance—especially accepting the things they have a hard time accepting about themselves. What is that thing in your spouse that you admire but they don’t? Let them know it.

5 Ways to Put Romance Back in Your Relationship

Before marriage, romance often seems easy. Without kids, financial pressures and annoying habits, keeping the spark alive feels effortless. But after marriage, spouses often stop dating and take one another for granted.

5 Reasons To Leave The Lights On For Sex

Yes, the idea is scary for many women! But in my years of social research, I have uncovered many truths that men wish we knew, but they don’t know how to tell us. And, I heard the heart behind this wish – and discovered five surprising reasons to take the risk. When...