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Every week, we release a new episode on a different marriage topic.

Latest Episodes
MP 092: How Do we keep our marriage together when the world’s falling apart?
On the day of this podcast recording, we’re still in the middle of a lot of chaos. There are so many stressors and changes all at once, so it’s understandable that there may be tension in your marriage.
MP 091: Is it possible to have serious fun when things are so serious?
When it comes to having fun in your marriage, I don’t think there’s a better expert in the country than Ted Cunningham. The things Ted encourages you to aren’t big things, but they make a big difference!
MP 090: Is it possible to change the world, stay in love, and raise a healthy family?
Today’s topic is actually the subtitle of André and Jeff Shinabarger’s book called Love Or Work. This book and interview led to some great questions for Ted and his wife Nancie and we’re sure it will for you and your spouse!
089: How do I love my spouse during times of sickness and health? (with Kellee and Stuart Hall)
When it comes to serving people in ministry, Stuart and Kellee are a power couple. They also had a recent experience with the COVID-19 pandemic. Join us as we hear their story.
088: How does racism impact marriages and families of color?
Racism has an impact on everything, including marriage. Jackie and Stephana Bledsoe join us to share their stories of racism growing up and even now as they raise their own family.
087: How do I protect my marriage from COVID-19?
You may have googled your way to this podcast because you want to protect your marriage from “all this.” Good job, we have good news.