Don’t Let Money Fights TKO Your Marriage
Not talking about finances is one of the biggest money mistakes couples can make. So it’s important to learn how to talk about it. Here are five tips to help.
7 Creative Tips for A Better Marriage
My wife and I have been married for 14 years and in that time, we’ve learned a lot about what it takes to be married. Its easier than everyone says it is. Here are seven things weve done that have made our marriage work really welland helped us have a lot of fun.
Why Needing to Win is Killing Your Relationship
Through time I’ve come to realize it’s not just about what you say but also how you say it. And in a marriage or dating relationship, I’ve realized the mentality of needing to win is poison. It can and will destroy any relationship.
3 Ground Rules for Experiencing Real Honesty with Your Spouse
Problems in marriage present themselves like spiders. You feel their effects—their webs—but you can’t always pinpoint the source. You feel like something’s wrong, but you don’t know the cause or root of the problem.
25 Passionate Texts to Send to Your Spouse
Texting is a very practical way to flirt with your spouse as well. Just because we’re married, doesn’t mean we should stop flirting with each other. Send the text when they’re at work, out with friends, at the gym, or sitting next to you on the couch!
Marriage Can Be Way Better Than “You Complete Me”
Every once in a while, a movie line lands in such a way that sticks with a generation. In the classic movie Jerry Maguire, Tom Cruise’s character proclaims to Renée Zellweger’s character, “You complete me.” I understand why this phrase resonates.
5 Ways Love and Money Are Related
In marriage, we share a home, memories, and decisions about all kinds of things, including money. Money, and how it is used, is one of those things that, even when talked about proactively and often, can lead to heated conversations and disagreements.
The Ultimate Enemy of Intimacy
True intimacy involves an exchange. Someone offers vulnerability, and the other honors that vulnerability. Then the other person reciprocates that vulnerability, creating a beautiful cycle. And that bond is exclusive and hidden; it’s only for the two people to behold and be a part of.
Protecting Your Spouse From You
We can get so comfortable with our family that we let down our guards to be who we want to be. It’s easier that way. But it’s not always better that way. There is a way that is better, every single time. The number one person you need to protect your spouse from is you.