Don’t Miss This One Great Thing For Your Marriage
by Dr. Beverly Bird As a long-time marriage therapist, one thing I have found to be true is this: After a few years of marriage couples let up on some of the things that came naturally when dating and first married. One of those things is the expression of gratitude...
15 Ways to Show Respect
by Casey and Meygan Caston Respect is one of those concepts we all hear often, but it seems fewer understand how it works and its impact in marriage. Here’s an all too common story from our marriage that will give you a better grasp on respect. Casey often goes into...
Improve Your Intimacy in 30 Minutes
by Casey and Meygan Caston Most of the questions we get from couples are about being stuck in a sexual rut. For years, we didn't talk about it because no one taught us how to have a healthy conversation about our sex life. That all changed when we discovered the...
Boxed Up
by Monica Humpal While leading a study recently by Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott, I had a huge "aha" moment. Well, not really that huge because I've known this was not a good way of communicating for quite a while, but oh boy does it keep creeping in to conversation...
What Your Husband Really Wants For Father’s Day But Can’t Tell You
Ladies, in case you didn’t know, we guys can be a little insecure, especially when it comes to our performance as dads. So, while your husband loves grill tools and homemade cards for Father’s Day, the greater gift is the assurance you notice the things he is doing right.
Practice Your Promise: Who Gets Your Best?
by Amanda Maguire "I, Amanda, take you Jeff, to have and to hold from this day forward, for BETTER or for WORSE . . . " What did I know about those two words then I was 22! Jeff and I laugh. We are mostly amazed that many of us make the most life changing, single most...
Spiritual Leader
As a 21st Century man, I have many roles. I don't live in a world where a man comes home after a long day at work, sits on the couch and everyone scatters to serve him. I've never lived in that world, I've only seen it on TV. Most of the guys I know come home and...
Reaching “The Bar” Within Marriage
by Amy Martin When I was a little girl, I used to dream of getting married someday—as I'm sure many young girls do. I would dream about marrying a man that had all the best qualities imaginable, and then some. Now, I can't vouch for men, but I imagine as young boys...
Sleep On It
by Shaunti Feldhahn Dear Shaunti, I’m about to pull my very tired hair out. My wife and I know we shouldn’t go to bed angry, but our arguments only get worse the later they go. I love my wife, but I truly can’t think straight after 11pm. Last night, I got so angry I...