Marriage In The Midst Of Miscarriage
It happened to us, and it may have happened to you. I know that it hurts, but please hear this: you do not have to hurt alone. Your marriage will make it through the pain of this miscarriage. Your spouse is with you. It is imperative that you recognize the weight and necessity of choosing to have naked conversations through this messy circumstance.
Using Technology to Connect with Your Spouse
When it comes to communication, technology and social media has undergone some revolutionary innovations and developments that make sure you are always connected with your loved ones, anywhere and anytime. There are several different ways you can use technology to strengthen your bond with your better half, and make sure they know you are thinking about them.
Conquering Fear and Living Life With More Clarity
Don’t let fear keep you from thinking clearly. You won’t be able to hear when God is telling you to trust Him. When you give your fear to God you’ll be able to appreciate your blessings and live your life the way He intended.
When Microwaves Marry Crockpots
I’m not sure who said it first, but when I heard this statement years ago, I agreed whole-heartedly: “Sexually, men are like microwaves and women are like crockpots.” Meaning, men are typically ready for sex almost immediately upon hearing the idea. Women enjoy sex, it just takes them a while to warm up to the idea.
5 Ways To Improve How You Communicate and Resolve Conflict
For obvious reasons, pretty much every single one of us struggles in how to best communicate and resolve conflict. This plays out in marriage, friendships, work relationships, community, and parenting.
4 Things That Marriage Cannot Fix
Literally speaking, I live with a handyman. So things do get fixed more than they used to. And living with my best friend has been of the most meaningful gifts I’ve known. But there are just some things he can’t, and our marriage can’t, fix.
3 Reasons You Avoid Church and Why to Go Anyway
Life is busy. And sometimes church attendance gets put on the chopping block. For that reason, I’d like to clarify what church is, and explain why it’s a vital part of your marriage.
Saving Yourself From Social Media
Social media can also be a detriment for some marriages. In most cases, the constant phone checking can distract us from healthy conversations with our spouse. At worst, it can actually lead to relational temptation and even infidelity.
7 Keys to Great Sex (When You Don’t Like Your Body)
We ALL have some level of insecurity. Even “picture perfect” models often struggle with body issues. Being in perfect physical shape isn’t the solution (although better overall health can be a positive factor), the real issues are deeper than the surface.