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Smoldering Stress: Balancing Your Marriage and Raising Kids

"I ran too fast, too far, too long on too many borrowed miles. And then it hit me like something...

“Truth in Relationships” Quiz

Why is it that some marriages die while others thrive? I’m convinced that the reason is really...

How to Handle a Perfectionistic Spouse

The desire to be perfect or to have a perfect mate and marriage is something I see a lot in the...

Anger Can Be An Opportunity, Not An Obstacle

by Anna Collins, Community Manager at Marriage 365 Anger doesn’t have to be negative, but...

The Art of Giving and Receiving Compliments

Words are life in a healthy relationship. Some of the most important words in any relationship are kind and encouraging words in the form of compliments. In my work as a marriage coach I’ve discovered that not everyone understands how to give and receive compliments. There’s a bit of an art to giving and receiving compliments.

5 Things Mentally Strong Couples Avoid

In his book Blueprint for Life, Mike Kendrick writes, “All of us have struggled at times with negative thoughts, either from learned patterns in our relationships or from distorted perspectives we’’ve picked up along the way. You’’ve probably noticed that you can’t really change your behavior without changing your thoughts.

5 Spending Habits That Drove My Spouse Crazy

While money is a bedrock of stability and happiness in a marriage, many couples avoid talking about finances altogether. But when you’re married and sharing a life with someone, it’s the everyday things that can make or break a relationship.

Help shape the future of Married People

We’re planning future resources for Married People and we need your help. We want to hear from you want kind of resources you’d like to see us create. Because we want to make stuff that’s relevant and useful to you.

10 Reasons Not To Date Your Spouse

We can always think of excuses for why we shouldn’t date our spouse. But marriages that live with no sense of urgency in their passion and commitment to continuing to date one another or improve their relationship …will eventually dry up.

A 7-Day Love Experiment For Your Marriage

Does the word marriage have too much baggage? It’s a word that means different things to different people. So what if we did an experiment for one week to use a word instead of marriage and see if it changes our perspective for the better.

3 Reasons Why Tender Touch Cultivates Deeper Intimacy

Not only does touch cultivate deeper intimacy; it helps us communicate with each other on another level. It sustains and strengthens our connection. And it’s an essential part of a healthy, happy marriage. Tender touch conveys our love for one another, and creates a level of emotional safety that opens the door for deeper intimacy.