by Sarah Bragg | Apr 22, 2019 | Advice
I’ve always been a pretty disciplined person. I’m sure it’s just part of my wiring. Because of that, I’ve always been disciplined about my health. My husband is also a pretty disciplined person—but health was never apart of that equation. He is one of those people who...
by Married People | Mar 6, 2019 | Podcast
We’re excited to be talking about how we make decisions in our marriage! There is a spectrum of decisions to make—everything from who is getting the groceries, to whether or not to make a cross-country move. The Tension Decisions are tough for many couples. Some...
by Guest Writer | Oct 23, 2017 | Advice, Communication
Making Big Decisions Making big decisions as a couple in ministry is risky. Precarious. Scary. Recently, my wife and I stepped away from a church we started in our home. Although the church did not experience huge growth while we were there, many lives were changed....
by Guest Writer | Jul 7, 2017 | Conflict
by Crystal Chiang The audience was on their feet. There was celebration. Trumpets. Confetti. The crowd went wild. Okay, none of that happened. But thats how it felt the first time my husband and I stepped out of an IKEA store and realized that we had made it through...