by Marriage 365 | Aug 18, 2017 | Conflict
Last week we took our kids to the OC Fair, like we do every year. We go for the rides, the exhibits, the games, and of course the deep-fried Oreos. We tried our hardest to ignore the heat, the inappropriate outfits the teenagers wear, the long lines, and the prices....
by Marriage 365 | Aug 11, 2017 | Communication, For Husbands, Sex & Dating
Gents, what is it about woman and their ability to craft the perfect question to get conversations started? If you are like me, I get stuck on asking the same questions. I’m here to help. During my coaching sessions, I often refer to this list of questions for...
by Marriage 365 | Jun 30, 2017 | Conflict, Sex & Dating
by Casey and Meygan Caston Respect is one of those concepts we all hear often, but it seems fewer understand how it works and its impact in marriage. Here’s an all too common story from our marriage that will give you a better grasp on respect. Casey often goes into...
by Marriage 365 | Jun 28, 2017 | Sex & Dating
by Casey and Meygan Caston Most of the questions we get from couples are about being stuck in a sexual rut. For years, we didn’t talk about it because no one taught us how to have a healthy conversation about our sex life. That all changed when we discovered...
by Marriage 365 | May 26, 2017 | Sex & Dating
by Casey Caston When you married your spouse, you married their parents . . . like it or not. And if you plan on going the distance in marriage, which we hope you will, they are in your lives forever too. We’ve heard reports of families with healthy relationships on...