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When Microwaves Marry Crockpots

When Microwaves Marry Crockpots

It is often said that sex is the barometer of a marriage relationship. In other words, if the relationship is going well, sex is going well, and vice versa. While there is truth in that statement, there are times the relationship can be going well despite tension in...
What to Do When You Have Different Sex Drives

What to Do When You Have Different Sex Drives

A common issue for many couples that results in frustration and disharmony is missing the beat with your sex drive. One wants it more than the other creating a sense of rejection and loneliness every time a pass is batted away. Then you have the other person who wants...
9 Ways to Avoid Sexual Temptation

9 Ways to Avoid Sexual Temptation

Much has been written on the topic of temptation over the years. There are cute videos (The Marshmallow Test), great books (Tempted and Tried, by Russell Moore), and even better scripture on the topic. Some of us are tempted by sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 7:2),...

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