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Smoldering Stress: Balancing Your Marriage and Raising Kids

"I ran too fast, too far, too long on too many borrowed miles. And then it hit me like something...

“Truth in Relationships” Quiz

Why is it that some marriages die while others thrive? I’m convinced that the reason is really...

How to Handle a Perfectionistic Spouse

The desire to be perfect or to have a perfect mate and marriage is something I see a lot in the...

Anger Can Be An Opportunity, Not An Obstacle

by Anna Collins, Community Manager at Marriage 365 Anger doesn’t have to be negative, but...

2 Tips For Traveling With Your Spouse

Do you remember your first fight as a married couple? I remember ours clearly—because it was on our honeymoon. It was the first time we’d travelled alone together and, the time we figured out we weren’t good at traveling together.

The 10 Best Marriage GIFs

The internet is full of GIFs (don’t ask us how to pronounce it). And we scoured the web for our favorite wedding-related GIFs. Here’s our top 10 (in no particular order).

3 Ways to Fight the Marriage Comparison Trap

In the last few years, there has been lots of talk about the dangers of social media for our well-being, and for the psychological health of our children. Turns out, that spending hours on our devices can actually have a negative effect on us.

Finding A Vision for Your Marriage

There is value in believing our marriage serves a greater purpose in the grand scheme of life. When we believe this to be the case, we can push through the struggles that are inevitably thrown our way—as little or large as they may loom in our lives.

Finding Your Community as a Married Couple

We need other people in our marriage, who are for our marriage. So if necessary, we have to construct our own village. Here are three types of people I believe all of us need in and around our marriage.

How to Save Your Marriage Before It’s Lost

What good are flowers to a dead person? Bring flowers to your marriage before it’s dead, metaphorically speaking. We can do this by focusing on five simple actions that could save your marriage before it’s lost.