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MarriedPeople Podcast

Listening leads to a better marriage.
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Every week, we release a new episode on a different marriage topic.

Latest Episodes

038: How I empower my spouse? (with Mike Owens)

We all want to set our spouses up to be the best they can be, but what does that really look like? Mike Owens in founder and CEO of Ground Breakers, a youth leadership development organization and outreach ministry in the Atlanta area and abroad.

037: How can I have a good relationship with my in-laws?

Marriages are a merging of two families. This means adding your in-laws to your life. Sometimes, it’s easy to have a great relationship with your in-laws. Other times, it’s not. So how do you work on this important relationship and not have it hurt your marriage?

035: How do we have a good vacation together?

Going on vacation together as a married couple isn’t always easy. Vacations take time, money, and planning. But spending time alone together is well worth the investment. Join us as we discuss ways to have a great vacation together with your spouse!

034: What do I do if I’m married to a dreamer? (with Jon Acuff)

Most of us have dreams and aspirations with our marriage and our career. But how can you support a spouse who has larger-than-life dreams? We’re joined by author and speaker Jon Acuff, who knows a few things about making big dreams work in his marriage.

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