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MarriedPeople Podcast

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Every week, we release a new episode on a different marriage topic.

Latest Episodes

031: How do I protect my marriage from parenting? (with Nancie Lowe)

Parenting can be a huge strain on any marriage. The burdens on you and your spouse are magnified when you have to raise other humans. But protecting your marriage is still important. So how do you keep your kids from taking over? We invited Ted’s wife, Nancie, on the show to discuss that very topic.

029: How do I protect my spouse from myself?

It’s a little bit of a weird question. One of the great things about marriage is that we can be ourselves – we can let our guard down and be comfortable. We can use that comfort to damage our relationship if we’re not careful, and we find ourselves saying things to our significant other that we wouldn’t say to anyone else.

027: How do we become our best US?

Today we’re going to discuss how to become our best US. Longtime listeners of the podcast know that Ted wrote a book by the same title because every US is different. What if we really celebrated that God makes all of our marriages really different?

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