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I hear over and over, “Marriage is so complicated.” After 20 years of working with couples, I say over and over, “Marriage is easier than you think.”

Practice one of these tiny things for a week and let us know what happens.

  1. Be nice.
  2. Don’t say everything you think.
  3. Pick up after yourself.
  4. Don’t mention your spouse’s messiness.
  5. Hug your spouse without the goal of initiating sex.
  6. Don’t get frustrated with your spouse’s mistakes.
  7. Ask your spouse how they are doing.
  8. Don’t be on your phone during mealtime.
  9. Look at your spouse’s face when they are talking.
  10. Laugh at your spouse’s humor whether it’s funny or not.
  11. Leave your spouse a Post-It® note of gratitude.
  12. Do a chore your spouse dislikes.