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How to Launch a Business with Your Spouse

How to Launch a Business with Your Spouse

Have you considered going into business with your significant other? Starting a business with your spouse can be one of the most rewarding and frustrating things you could do. Not only do you have the challenges of navigating the new business, but you have a...
How to Plan an Exercise Date with Your Spouse

How to Plan an Exercise Date with Your Spouse

Over the last few years, my family and I have dealt with a lot on the health front. My son was diagnosed with a spinal cord issue. I had a near death. I had a near death experience due to a heart condition (you can read the full story here) My wife battled breast...
5 Ways to Protect Your Marriage on Social Media

5 Ways to Protect Your Marriage on Social Media

Did you know that 20 percent of divorces involve Facebook? As a former social media manager and avid Facebook user, I’m not surprised by that statistic. Facebook’s convenient social engagement is an excellent way to stay in contact with old friends. But this...

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April 24, 2020 from 7-9 PM ET. Sign up for more details!

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