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Every week, we release a new episode on a different marriage topic.

Latest Episodes
086: Why should I move into a van with my spouse? (with Chris & Sara Pochiba)
Would you and your spouse ever move into a van and travel the country together? Not every couple is that adventurous, but we talked to one couple who is. And their story can teach all of us something, regardless of where we live.
085: How can we make our anniversary matter?
If you’re married, you have an anniversary. That’s one of the few things every married couple has in common. It’s an annual opportunity for you and your spouse to reconnect. So how do you make the most of that opportunity?
084: How do I keep my marriage from getting stale?
After a while, any marriage can start to go stale—like a bag of old potato chips. You’ve got to be intentional about keeping your marriage “Dorito fresh” (you’ll have to listen to the episode to find out what that means).
083: How should I respond to my spouse’s silly mistakes?
On the podcast, we’ve talked about why we fight about silly things. For this episode, we’re diving into how we should deal with those minor mistakes our spouse makes.
082: How do our personalities impact our marriage?
‘Opposites attract’ is a cliche—but it’s often true. We frequently have a different personality from our spouse, and react differently to the same situation. How can we have a great marriage despite these differences of personality?
081: How can I have a passion for my career and my spouse? (with Dana Spinola)
Passion for our spouse and our job may seem mutually exclusive. But it’s possible to have a successful career and marriage at the same time. Fab’rik founder Dana Spinola joins us to tell how she started an awesome company while raising a great family.