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Spiritual Leader

Spiritual Leader

As a 21st Century man, I have many roles. I don’’t live in a world where a man comes home after a long day at work, sits on the couch and everyone scatters to serve him. I’’ve never lived in that world, I’’ve only seen it on TV. Most of the guys I...
Reaching “The Bar” Within Marriage

Reaching “The Bar” Within Marriage

by Amy Martin When I was a little girl, I used to dream of getting married someday—as I’’m sure many young girls do. I would dream about marrying a man that had all the best qualities imaginable, and then some. Now, I can’’t vouch for men, but I imagine as...
Sleep On It

Sleep On It

by Shaunti Feldhahn Dear Shaunti, I’m about to pull my very tired hair out. My wife and I know we shouldn’t go to bed angry, but our arguments only get worse the later they go. I love my wife, but I truly can’t think straight after 11pm. Last night, I got so angry I...

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April 24, 2020 from 7-9 PM ET. Sign up for more details!

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